CNusa-penida51Lembongan snorkeling trips

Lembongan Snorkeling Trips

Snorkel in vibrant Nusa Lembongan with gorgeous reefs and diverse marine life.

Explore the Underwater Wonders of Nusa Lembongan

Dive into the aquatic paradise of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida, where the vibrant coral reefs teem with life. Experience snorkeling like never before in warm waters surrounded by colorful fish and diverse marine life. Our tours are catered to ensure safety and enjoyable experiences for all ages, complete with professional guides and top-notch equipment.

Jl. Jungutbatu, Jungutbatu, Kec. Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung


Laurette Lubbers

Laurette Lubbers

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

I'm sure there's other operators offering similar things, I'm just SUPER glad I did the "adventure package" with these guys. Even th...



    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

렘봉안에서 스노클링 하려면 이 업체 추천. 캡틴이 영어를 잘 하고 양심적입니다. 가격은 250k 고정이고, 배는 다른 업체보다 신형에 굉장히 깨끗하게 유지되고 있으며 핀, 고글등도 다 상태가 좋습니다. 고프로로 사진도 잘 찍어주고 매 스노클링마다 3명의 안전요원이 같이 물에 들어가서 케어를 해주니 혹시나 하는 안전사고에도 대처가 빠를듯 합니다. 만타는 비록 못봤지만 정말 만타를 찾아 열심히 돌아가니는 모습이 좋았습니다. 타 업체와 다르게 캠프가 있어서 거기서 출발하는데 망그로브 숲을 10분 정도 지나쳐가니 따로 망그로브 투어를 하지 않아도 구경할 수 있어 좋습니다.

Li Chen

Li Chen

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

The tour guide was very friendly and helpful. I got a serious seasick. He did many things to help me feel better and helped me to ta...

Agil Agustaf

Agil Agustaf

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Sebuah pengalaman saya di Lembongan snorkling trips Saya sangat puas dengan keindahanya

Philippe HERRENT

Philippe HERRENT

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Au top ! Très belle expérience. Plusieurs spots de plongée. Le guide connaît parfaitement les meilleurs endroits où voir les raies mantas qui chassent et les coraux en très bon état. La houle est assez forte et peu déranger les personnes sensibles mais le guide aide très gentillement. C'est très rassurant. Retour avec un repas buffet délicieux !

Brontë Downs

Brontë Downs

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Had an awesome time with Maddi and Coconut!! went by myself but felt super involved and looked after. Photos are taken and sent to y...

Benedetta Martini

Benedetta Martini

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Wonderful experience! The guides are super fun and knowledgeable! This was my first time snorkelling in the open ocean, but I felt I...

steven stone

steven stone

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Empty Star
  • (4)

I emailed the night before explaining that I could only pay cash which was not a problem. I joined a shared Package D trip. I was pi...

Fréd V

Fréd V

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Super encadrement ?

Andreas Pätzold

Andreas Pätzold

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Irene C.

Irene C.

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

Wij hebben een hele leuke dag gehad. Het was allemaal goed geregeld en ze maken er iets onvergetelijks van. Wij vonden het fijn dat het met een klein groepje was (5p) in vergelijking tot andere tours. In totaal hebben we 4 manta Rays gezien, 1 schildpad en heel veel vis! De gids ging zelf ook mee het water in met de nieuwste gopro en maakte veel foto’s. De 3 locaties waren erg mooi. Voor Manta Bay moet je wel (redelijk) kunnen zwemmen want er is veel deining. Voel je je wat minder veilig, geen probleem! Reddingsvesten zijn aan boord en een reddings ring. Ook wordt er geregeld gecheckt bij je of je je nog comfortabel voelt. De andere twee plekken waren juist relaxed. De stroming nam je mee dus je kon gewoon liggen en kijken :) al met al een zeer geslaagde dag en als we terugkomen zullen we hier nog een keer naartoe gaan.

Linley Davies

Linley Davies

    Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star
  • (5)

This was my best snorkeling trip ever! It was really well run with a decent safe boat. Young Coconut looked after us so well and mad...

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